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Lip Blush, also called Lip Tattoo is a permanent makeup that can enhance the lip colour, improve the shape, and correct asymmetrical lips. With age our lips tend to become paler and thinner, with lip tattooing it is possible to correct the fading colour of the lips and add fullness and definition.  

Treatment results are customised for each client.


This type of lip tattooing is the process of lightening dark lip tissue, typically on clients with dark skin tones. It is suitable for those who are looking to enhance and level up their lip tone. This procedure can be beneficial to both men and women.

Typically the treatment requires 3+ sessions.

Treatment results are customised for each client.


A semi-permanent procedure that creates a soft shade fuller eyebrow effect or a bold makeup look.

Your chosen colour is blended and customised for each client based on your desire.


This treatment uses a single-needle device, which works like a tattoo machine, with an extremely fine needle that plants pigment into the skin.

The result is hair like strokes, which are soft and natural looking. Colours are chosen to suit your colouring.


Cosmetic Tattoo FAQs

Do brow or lip cosmetic tattoo treatments hurt?

It is slightly uncomfortable but completely bearable. Some clients even fall asleep during the procedure. I use a topical numbing cream to make each client as comfortable as possible. If you have low intolerance to pain you may take 1-2 panadol 30 minutes before your appointment. DO NOT take aspirin or ibuprofen as these can cause excessive bleeding and also make you more sensitive to pain during the procedure.

How long will my treatment last?

Your eyebrows tattoo will last from 18 to 24 months.
Lip tattoos will last from 2 to 5 years, depending on your skin type, general health, and lifestyle.
I recommend an annual top-up to keep your permanent makeup fresh.

The following factors will cause your semi-permanent tattoo to fade faster:

  • Oily skin

  • Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic acid, retinol

  • Vitamin E and C

  • Exfoliates

  • Iron deficiency

  • Exposure to saltwater

  • Sun exposure

How many appointments do I need?

Permanent makeup is always a two-appointment process. Both appointments are included in the price and the second appointment is booked within 6-8 weeks after your first session.

The touch-up appointment is important as there will always be some fade. I can alter the shape of your tattoo or saturate the colour if it is necessary, also fixing any patches and gaps that haven’t retained pigment well during the healing process.

What is the cost of a touch up?

Treatments within the last 12 months:
+ Lip Blush touch up $300
+ Nano Brow touch up $350

Treatments within the last 18 months
+ Lip Blush touch up $325
+ Ombre Brow touch up $375
+ Nano Brow touch up $400

Treatments within the last 24 months
+ Lip Blush touch up $375

Any touch-up appointments after 24 months of your initial treatment will be considered a new appointment.

Can I still get lip blush if I have a lip filler?

Yes, you definitely can. However, lip filler and lip tattoo appointment MUST be at least 4 weeks apart. I recommend you have filler first and then have your lips tattooed.

Am I a good candidate to have permanent make-up?

You may NOT have this treatment if:

  • You are under 18

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • You have been on Accutane within the past year

  • You have HIV or Hepatitis or any other infectious or viral diseases

  • You are undergoing chemotherapy

  • You are on blood thinners medication as it may affect how your skin responds to blood clotting and healing

If you have had your eyebrows or lips done by another artist. Please send a photo to

How can I prepare for brow tattooing?

You may NOT have this treatment if:

  • You are under 18

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • You have been on Accutane within the past year

  • You have HIV or Hepatitis or any other infectious or viral diseases

  • You are undergoing Chemotherapy

  • You are on blood thinners medication as it may affect how your skin responds to blood clotting and healing.

If you have had your eyebrows or lips done by another artist. Please send a photo to

How can I prepare for lip tattooing?

  • Do not drink any alcohol or coffee the day before your appointment. Caffeine and alcohol will slow the healing process plus they can cause more sensitivity, oozing, swelling, and bleeding.

  • Do not take ibuprofen, aspirin, fish oil, vitamin E supplements and other blood thinners. Please consult your doctor if you have been prescribed any of those medications.

  • Allergic reactions are rare but if you know you have sensitivity to dye or cosmetics products, please ask for a patch test which will need to be done at least 24 hours before the procedure.

  • If you have the simplex virus herpes, lip tattoos are likely to cause a flare resulting in an outbreak of cold sores. You still can have the procedure done, however you MUST take an antiviral medication 3 days before, and 5 days after the procedure or as advised by your doctor.

  • Do not have any chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing or lip fillers at least 4 weeks before your appointment.

  • Your lips must be smooth in order to undergo a lip tattoo. Drinking plenty of water will keep your skin, which means your lips hydrated. Lips are the first area of the face to show dehydration and if they are dehydrated this will affect the treatment, or you may not be able to have the procedure done at all.

  • Gently exfoliate your lips using a lip scrub the day before your appointment and keep them hydrated by applying a rich lip balm as much as necessary.

  • Plan your meals. After having your lips tattooed you CANNOT have any type of food that is oily, spicy, acidic or heavily seasoned.

  • Please read the aftercare instructions and arrange your schedule according to the healing stage.

Can you cover up an old tattoo?

It depends. If your previous tattoo is too dark or thick, please send a picture to

What is the downtime for permanent make-up?

From minimal to not at all. I recommend you not book an appointment right before a holiday.
Do not play sports straight after having a lip or eyebrow procedure and avoid sweating, saunas and swimming pools for at least 7 days. Also, avoid make-up; you can apply make-up around the lips and eyebrows but not over them. The procedure you have had will initially look brighter than when it has healed, but it should not stop you from being able to go out.
After a lip tattoo, you may experience some lip swelling but that should pass in a few hours, although this may last a little longer for some people.

Can anyone have permanent makeup?

The short answer is no. Certain contraindications can prevent us from performing the treatment.
The following are the contraindications of Permanent Makeup:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding. 

  • Taking anticoagulants, such as aspirin or similar medications

  • Autoimmune disease. Please consult your doctor.

  • Haemophilia

  • Psoriasis

  • Viral diseases, e.g. jaundice, hepatitis, HIV and AIDS.

  • If you are taking steroids such as Cortisone, Accutane, or Retinol.

Lip Tattoo After Care

For the first 2 - 4 days...

  • Lips will feel a bit sore and you can experience some swelling that might last for 1-2 days. Disposable cold packs may be applied as necessary to reduce any swelling.

  • The colour of the lips will look quite intense and the next day will darken as scabs will form as part of the healing process.

Lip care guidelines for the first 10 days...

  • Some dryness and/or itching is normal as skin is healing.

  • Apply a Healing Balm regularly using a cotton bud. Wash your hands before applying the product.

  • Wash your lips with a gentle face cleanser after meals and apply the given healing balm.

  • Avoid using harsh cleansers, creams, lipsticks, or any products on the treated area until all the flakes have naturally fallen off. These products can jeopardize the healing of the tattoo.

  • Avoid eating spicy and salty foods and drink through a straw for 3 days.

  • Do not share cups. No kissing, no smoking for 5 days, to prevent infection.

  • Sleep on a clean pillowcase to avoid infection.

  • Do not receive skincare beauty treatments for 5 days after the application.

Important notes...

  • Remember, your selected colour will be stronger and more sharply defined immediately after your treatment.

  • The next day will appear darker in colour.

  • On days 3-5 the colour will shed away in flakes – it is important not to pick this off as the colour will come out too. Let the flakes come off on their own in patches.

  • After the flakes are off, your lips will appear as if little or no colour is present. Over the next 3 weeks the colour will blossom into a considerably softer version of the original colour.

  • The approximate healing period is 14 days, however healing can be prolonged if your immune system is compromised, if you are generally stressed or if you have a poor diet.

  • Keep in mind that in many cases, some unevenness of colour is to be expected. This is the purpose of the control visit, allowing us to fine tune your enhancement.

  • If you are prone to cold sores you will need to get an antiviral prescription from your doctor to avoid flares up after the procedure.

  • Please inform the National Blood Service if you donate blood, as you may not be eligible to give blood for 4 months post application.

Cosmetic Brow After Care

After care for 2 -10 days...

  • Immediately after the procedure the area will feel a little sore and the colour will look quite intense for 4-5 days.

  • Avoid harsh cleansers and serums that contain ingredients such as glycolic or mandelic acid as the enzymes in these formulas can cause irritation and can break down the pigment in the skin. For the same reason, if you are on any type of Vitamin A (Retinaldehyde/Retinol) do not apply this over your brows for the next 10 days.

  • Use a damp cotton swab to clean your brows 3 times a day, or more if you feel the need. Please use filtered water.

  • Fluids will leak from the tattoo to form scabs. You don’t want these scabs. You will need to wipe your brows thoroughly in the direction of the hairs and against the hairs to remove the excess fluid and prevent it from forming a thick scab.

  • Pat your brows dry before applying a very sheer layer of the balm provided.

  • Do not touch your tattoo with dirty fingers and sleep on a clean pillowcase to avoid an infection.

  • Do not expose yourself to the sun.

  • Put on a non-coloured sunscreen after 72 hours, if you are going to be exposed to the sunlight even if the day is cloudy. The UV rays will deteriorate the pigment and cause the tattoo to fade faster.

  • If your brows start peeling or itching, do not scratch them. Scratching may cause the formation of a scar. Let the scabs fall off by themselves. Use the balm provided to moisturize your brows and this will help with the itching.


Around 15 days your eyebrows might appear to be light and patchy. Trust that all of this is a part of the healing process. The pigment in the skin is setting and the healing process will take 45 days. The ultimate colour will be visible only when the skin is completely healed.

Once your brows are fully healed...

  • To help your eyebrows tattoo stay fresh longer do not use any of the following on your tattoo: Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic acid, Vitamin E and C, and Retinol.

  • If you have oily skin, an iron deficiency, or a very strong immune system, your pigment will not last as long and will not heal as crispy as others.

  • This treatment fades after 1.5 – 2 years depending on your skin type and your lifestyle. Touch ups are necessary to maintain the longevity and the beauty of your tattoo.

Book in with Keyla for your cosmetic tattoo consultation

Discuss your concerns with me and I will tailor your treatment that's right for you.
Patch testing is available.